
Unite donates to Grenfell fund and provides legal support for residents seeking justice

The country’s biggest union, Unite, today (Friday 16 June) announced that it will donate £100,000 to the Red Cross London Fire Relief appeal set up to assist the people affected by the Grenfell Tower tragedy. The union has dozens of members living in the tower, some of whom have lost their lives.

Unite also announced that it would be providing legal assistance to the residents to ensure that they are able to pursue the inquiry that is urgently needed to shine the light on the full causes of the horrific blaze, which has already claimed 30 lives.

Commenting, Unite’s general secretary Len McCluskey, said: “Our hearts go out to those grieving after this horrific event.  Innocent people lost their lives in the Grenfell Tower, hundreds more are left destitute and in despair. We must get answers as to how this happened, and action to ensure that this never happens again. 

“Unite itself is grieving at the loss of our members who lived in that tower. We are volunteering on the ground in an effort to offer the community every assistance during this traumatic time. We hope that this union’s donation can make some contribution to the fund to rebuild lives.

“We cannot comprehend the suffering of those who survived but we can support them to get justice in what was an entirely preventable tragedy. Unite will be offering full legal support for all victims of this horrific event.
“We will not rest until the full truth of what has gone is uncovered, and we will not be allowing the shameful cuts to legal aid to prevent that truth from being exposed. Unite is sending lawyers to the community and has set up a Freephone number for anyone needing legal assistance.

“Furthermore, the public inquiry must ensure that it is the correct route to deliver justice. The people of Grenfell must be able to hold the entire decision-making chain to account. 

“The honest exposure of the reasons for this avoidable human tragedy is the very least the Grenfell community deserves from this government.”

Unite the union made the £100,000 donation to the London Fire Relief fund set up by the Red Cross. In addition, the union is running a union-wide campaign to raise donations from branches and members.

The Freephone number for those needing legal assistance is 0808 252 2780.