James G's story
The legal service provided by Unite legal Services was fast and efficient.
James was involved in an accident during the course of his employment as a security guard for the Ministry of Defence. When leaving work, James had to pass through a full body height turnstile. The bottom of the turnstile is supposed to have a rubber edging but, on this occasion, it was missing. This meant that when James went to walk through the turnstile, the sheet metal caught his left heel, pulled off his shoe and caused him injury.
Through Unite Legal Services, James was contacted by a specialist personal injury solicitor to discuss his accident. A claim was intimated to his employer and its insurer was persuaded to admit liability for the accident.
Unite Legal Services also funded a medical report from a consultant orthopaedic surgeon, which outlined that James suffered a laceration to the posterior of his left heel.
The specialist solicitor assigned to help James persuaded his employer to put forward an increased offer of £4,500 – a fair compensation for James, who was happy to accept. As this case was funded by Unite Legal Services, James retained 100 per cent of his compensation.
He said: “My solicitor was professional and kept me up to date with the state of my claim and provided me with advice. I would highly recommend Unite Legal Services.”