Terry's story
I really appreciate the help I got from Unite Legal Service. I would say to any other member who is injured at work that Unite Legal Services is the only place to go.
Terry Behan from Gloucester, received £12,000 in compensation, with the support of Unite Legal Services, after suffering a painful wrist injury caused by an accident while replacing old pipework on an oil tank.
After the accident Terry needed surgery and had to take six weeks off work. He contacted Unite Legal Services who investigated a claim on his behalf.
Unite Legal Services proved Terry’s employer breached workplace safety standards by tasking him to work on pipework that was too heavy for two people to manoeuvre safely. The company also failed to carry out a risk assessment of the site.
Terry said:
“I really appreciate the help I got from Unite Legal Service. I would say to any other member who is injured at work that Unite Legal Services is the only place to go for the best free help and advice about making a compensation claim.”