Unite Legal Services has supported a member in his claim for compensation after he so badly fractured his wrist in a fall at a factory he was unable to return to work.
Ian Jones, 66, from Wigan, needed surgery to his left wrist after tripping on a bolt, which was protruding from the floor in the factory’s manufacturing department. The member’s fracture failed to heal after six weeks in plaster, so he went on to have a bone graft from his pelvis to fuse the wrist.
Ian wasn’t fit enough to return to work before his planned retirement, which was eight months after the accident. His wrist continues to cause him discomfort, with reduced grip in his hand.
Following the accident he contacted Unite Legal Services to investigate a claim for compensation. His employer admitted liability and settled the claim out of court for £16,500.
Ian said: “I didn’t see the bolt protruding from the floor and just went flying. I was in a great deal of pain for many weeks and was unable to return to work before my retirement. It was a bad end to what had, up until then, been an enjoyable career.”
Mick Whitley, North West regional secretary at Unite the Union, said: “The protruding bolt was a foreseeable hazard and should have been identified. His employer should have understood better the consequences of failing to meet basic workplace health and safety standards - a very painful injury for our member and a significant compensation payout. It would have been simpler and cheaper for the employer to take preventative action to avoid this accident.
“This is a success for Unite Legal Services and all our members should take some comfort from knowing that our legal services are at hand to act for members and their families.”